"L337 Sp33ch" - the single-most obvious sign of the internet-based downfall and degradation of the English language in it's already contrived glory...mostly used by those who spend WAYYY too much time on the 'net and have played one too many Deathmatch-based games online...... Me? Nonononoooo, I've only just gotten into Half Life and am certainly far from being considered "L337" by any stretch of the imagination!! (L337='Leet=Elite) I just thought I'd use the lingo to grab your attention! - Since you're reading this, I guess it worked!! On that note, lemme tell you what I do consider myself good at - ART and that is basically the point of this site. Actually I consider myself to be pretty pathetic at art, but I'm surrounded by people who seem to love my material - so what can you do? (Aside from revel in the glory...) That said, these people have been the encouragement for me to start my website up once again!! (There have been three previous incarnations of the website - hence the "Ver. 4.0 tag") My other three sites were basically Anime shrines, the first being made by a Trellix sitebuilder (Yes, those DO suck immensely - as did the site!), the second being coded in pure HTML and consisting of (no less than) 210 seperate pages!!!!!!! As you can imagine, updating these pages, such as adding something like a new button on the menu bar took more elbow-grease than a window-cleaner charged with the unfortunate task of working over the Empire state building with nothing more than an electric toothbrush with dud batteries!! >_< Then came the third website, another DBZ/Gundam Wing/Tenchi shrine with the added touch of being completely Flash-based!! Anyway, now that I actually have my own material to showcase on my site, lemme explain a bit more about me and what I've got for ya! My name is Christopher Reeves (Although I am universally known as Aliginge) and I am aged 18, My hobbies include playing video games, working on my PC, coming up with a funky new piece of Anime art, browsing forums, reading mangas (Chobits and Love Hina!!!!), watching Anime and generally being a lazy ass-munch while at the same time, being incredibly busy!! I'm currently studying at a UK College that will remain anonymous and I aim to get a BA Computer Animation (Hons) degree at University...I've spent a year extra at college already to get the necessary Art A level under my belt (WHY didn't I take it in first year?! >_<) Technically that means I am a College Ronin, just like Keitaro from Love Hina - only without the hordes of female roommates @_@'' . The content of this site includes a number of galleries, the first being a (currently small) collection of fully Computer-generated Anime artwork!! (My BEST material). Then there are the bloody REAMS of sketches which never made it so far as to be CG'd, with artwork shown there stretching back to my VERY FIRST tentative foray into Anime art!!! Then there is the gifts section - consisting of stuff, be it CG or sketch, which I have made as a gift for a friend - sadly I'm not yet good enough to be comissioned for artwork, but if anyone is willing to pay.....^_-' The avatars section is basically a collection of 60x60 avatars for members who frequent the Anime Armageddon EZBoard forum - for seven months, until recently I personalised card sprites taken from a GBA game at the request of any member who desired to have one made in their image (Provided they give simple details)...the average response was "OMG, I LOVE IT!! THANK YOU SO MUCH ALIGINGE!!!".......yes, that was just an AVERAGE response....I'd just like to say two things now: 1) No, I'm not taking any more requests - I'm just too damn busy! 2) I don't consider these to be particularly fantastic - they mostly only took me ten minutes or so...but I decided to put them up because of the sheer number of them, so someone may find one they like!! ^^ 3) I'm still not taking requests, even though I just said they just take ten minutes or so, besides, there are only so many sprites I can use before re-using them over and over again....anyway - I'm too damn busy so MYAHH!!! 8P Lastly you'll see the section entitled "My Manga", perhaps I'm being over-eager, but after developing so well in the field of anime art (I quote someone else on that - I didn't say it!!) I have decided to get some ideas down on paper which have been floating around my head for forever and a day...this section includes some VERY EARLY ideas for the basic premise and characters....check it out if you're interested!! This site basically contains most of my self-propelled efforts to get my ass into University...hence why I took up Anime-style art in January this year....Truth be told, I've actually surprised an awful lot of people with the speed of my progress, while I WOULD like to say it is all of my own doing, I'm afraid that is not the case.... NAT-CHAN, ALPHA LEMUR, THE GERT ONE, RANDOMSIN, ATHEY, H4Z4RD, ROGUE_ANGEL, KRAZI, EZEKIEL, NILAR Z (My Art teacher!!), PAUL T, MY COUSIN - JOANNE B, KELLY H AND EVEN MY MUM... ...and so many more who have helped my artistic development either through teaching, constructive criticism or just plain encouragement, thank you!!! I couldn't have got this far without you guys, so it is to you, that I dedicate this site!!! ENJOY THE WEBSITE!!!
- Aliginge Contact Me: [email protected] ...Or at the "Anime Armageddon" and "Bakaneko" forums (See the buttons on the menu bar!) |